Welcome to Public Institutions with Prof. Lamdan
Everything you need for class is right here.
Here are links to our assignment materials:
Get to Know An Agency Worksheet
Answer the questions and submit via Moodle by Thursday, February 2nd
6% of your Final Grade.
Expression & Explanation Assignments (3):
Complete the assignments and submit via Gmail by Tuesday, February 28; Thursday, March 30; and Tuesday, April 25. (The instructions are here.)
24% of your Final Grade.
Midterm Exam (In Class Tuesday, March 14)
30% of Final Grade.
Final Exam (TBA)
30% of Final Grade.
Aspen Online Study Aid Library: This collection of study aids contains tried and true "classic" study aid resources like Emmanuel's course outlines and practice exam questions texts including Examples and Explanations. You can use these to fill in thin spots in your outlines or to find more practice questions as you study for exams.
Quimbee: Quimbee is well known for its practice multiple choice questions and its video summaries of famous, commonly-taught cases.
CALI: CALI lessons are educational tools that both teach and provide practice tests for various topics of law. They are designed by law professors.
Congressional Research Service Reports: Lamdan included CRS reports as optional reading throughout our casebook. CRS reports are written by Congress's in-house researchers to inform and educate legislators on topics, including administrative law topics. They contain easy-to-read overviews of complex administrative law issues.